Dear Family,
We had a Christmas party on our lawn last week for the staff at the office (about 80 people) and the missionary couples about 20 that day. Even though it was our lawn in front of our house, it wasn't our party. We were guests too. They roasted a lamb and had African food and it was delicious. There was a devotional first with a wonderful choir made up of some of the people invited and they had been practicing for about 2 months and it was beautiful. Bill and I were in the front looking at the audience and it became hard as the choir sang and I looked into the tear stained faces of some of the missionary couples (wives mostly). They were missing their children and then of course so did I. It is a sacrifice to be here especially at times like the holidays, but none of us would change that. We want to be here. It is a glorious place to be, but I have been going down memory lane this week and have been remembering some of our Christmas times together.
Remember when Michael was about 5 and the day before Christmas a little boy hit him in the eyes with a stick and all of Christmas Day his eyes were covered because the cornea was scratched. He was pretty brave. I remember when John got his skate board and all the paraphanalia that goes with it and Dad and I standing in the living room watching him go down the hill in front of the house time after time and we were holding hands and our breath fearful he would kill himself. Remember when Todd cracked the Christmas package code after I had taken days to try to fool everyone. He sat under the tree with pencil and paper for a day calculating and he did crack it.....although I didn't admit it to him until Christmas Day. Do you remember when Ann got a package of scarves and nightgowns and silky things from Goodwill so she could play dressup with Shelby. That box cost about $5 and she had some lovely clothes that were more expensive, but it was the Goodwill box that was the hit. I remember many times when the boxes the gifts came in were more fun than the gift. I didn't know until many years later, but remember when you took the hinges off the door that led under the house and saw your Christmas gifts and it ruined your Christmas? I remember eating See's candy as we decorated the tree and I remember lovely gifts from each of you that you had made in school....ceramic faces and vases, stamped fabric for a table runner, and cards and pictures and other gifts that I treasured more than anything. Of course the Christmas plays come to mind as we struggled to write it and practice it....the fun we had when you were younger and wanted to practice it over and over and the agony when you got older and we were begging you to write it and begging you to at least practice it once before we performed. What fun when we gradually added your spouses and chldren to our acting pool. John, I am sure is very grateful this year for the practice he has had in writing over the years as he has been asked to write the Christmas play for his ward. Somehow, I don't think it encompasses the nativity. ....but I'll bet it's great. The end results were always fun and worth it. I remember trying to get the pictures ready for the Christmas letter. Trying to figure out what you should all wear and trying not to have all of you in tears at the same time as we tried to get the picture. I remember with fondness killing myself to get the Christmas Eve dinner ready and that it was always worth it even though it twas always eaten in about 15 minutes. I loved Christmas morning as you opened your gifts and usually loved them after Dad and I spent weeks trying to figure out what would make you happiest. I did hate Toys R Us. That place was a nightmare, but we'd get it done early and then hide things at Mrs. Hardings or the McConnaugheys. Reading from Luke was a highlight for us. It was fun to watch someone put Baby Jesus in his manger. It is hard not to have you all close this year....hard not to run around shopping and trying to fool all of you about what you were getting....but mostly I will just miss being with you. Dad and I are going to keep busy with a trip to help us not get homesick...when you are old you can get homesick for old times. However, even though we are missing you we are loving being here. We pray you are being blessed because of our service. We feel so blessed to be here. My health is good, we are together, this place is beautiful and we love the experiences we are having. We feel needed and appreciated by everyone and we know we are in the middle of a miracle as far as the church is concerned. We love the black people we have met. We are in awe of their dedication to the Gospel and their understanding and love of the scriptures. They soak up everything they can about the Gospel and the government of the church. They want to do everything right. They have faith and knowledge that often puts us to shame. Yesterday in the Johannesburg Ward there were 4 deacons sitting right in front of me. They were amazing. They were all dressed in their white shirts and ties and I have to say I loved their hair....short and fuzzy and they even had a little lint in it. Those 4 boys were so reverent...oh they occasionally poked each other as you would expect but 95% of the time they were intent on the speakers and they looked up every scripture that was mentioned. They took notes when Dad talked and their scriptures were worn from use. I loved watching them and even learning from them. They will be the backbone of the church in the next decade...strong, good leaders. This is the kind of thing we see all the time.
Anyway, please know that my memories of Christmastime with you are numerous and wonderful. I hope you have good ones. Someday, I'd like to hear some of them. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas this year with your families and friends. Our prayers and thoughts will be with you. Sorry, that we can't be as generous as we have been, but know we love you and we love the Savior which is the most important equation of the season. I'm grateful for His life and His love for me. I've been learning even more about the Atonement these past few months and what peace that brings me. I love all of you and miss you, but am so grateful for the part you play in my life. You are all precious to me.....probably more than you will ever know.
Love Mom and Grandma